Unit Fundraising

Where will your next Scouting adventure take you? You’re limited only by your imagination — and, yes, your budget. Scouting helps youth Be Prepared. For Life, and part of this is teaching youth to earn their own way.

Scouting Units can use a variety of fundraising methods as long as they meet the guidelines set by the National Council and their local council, and are approved by their unit committee and chartered organization. Most commonly, units are funded through:

  • Unit product sales such as popcorn or camp card sales

  • Weekly or monthly dues paid by the member

  • Chartered organization contributions

  • Other money-earning projects approved by the chartered organization

Units can use the funds they raise for any activities that their unit committee and chartered organization approve. Most commonly, units use their funds for:

  • Unit activities such as camping and other activities

  • Program supplies for unit activities

  • Equipment such as tents, camp stoves, and Pinewood Derby® tracks

  • Advancements and awards such as rank emblems and merit badges

  • Boys’ Life magazine subscriptions

The Evangeline Area Council works with volunteer leadership to provide units with opportunities to participate in fundraising activities to offset of expenses so youth may enjoy Scouting adventures. Fundraisers conducted through the local Scout council, such as Scout popcorn sales and camp card sales, are a no-brainer. They’ve already been reviewed, meaning they follow all BSA rules and regulations. These opportunities include: