Cub Scout Range & Target Activity Days


Cub Scouts will have the opportunity to complete their Archery, BB Gun, and/or Slingshot elective adventure during our individual Cub Scout Range & Target Activity Days.

These events are available for Cub Scouts that are Lions through Arrow of Light. A parent or guardian must be at the event with their Scout for the duration of the event. Lion and Tiger parents are required to be on the range with their Cub Scout at all times.

Upon the completion of the event your Cub Scout will receive a shooting sports scorecard showing what was completed. You can turn this scorecard in to our volunteer staff that day to receive your shooting sports belt loop or pin! 

Please note, due to the national changes in requirements for these activities, the Archery, BB Gun, and Slingshot electives will not be offered at Cub Scout Resident Camps. Our camps will focus on a safety briefing and fun shoot only so that we everyone has the opportunity to participate during camp. Time to focus on the requiremetns for the elective adventure will be done at several Range & Target Activity days throughout the year.


* please register ahead of time, no walk ups will be allowed.

Cub Scouts: $10 Early / $15 Late
Siblings: no cost (Siblings can attend if you need to bring them but will not be able to shoot. They must be registered to be on camp.)
Adults & ScoutsBSA Volunteers: no cost


See our event listing below, each day will be dedicated to specific activities to ensure we have the time to properly meet all requirements.

Event Time
Check-in: as you arrive for your time  
Lions/Tigers 9:00am
Wolves/Bears 10:00am
Webelos/Arrow of Light 11:00am