Campmaster Corps

What is the Campmaster Corps?


The Campmaster Corps is a group of trained Scouters that volunteer at Mountain Bayou Scout Camp for weekend duty to assist units with weekend programming needs as well as to assist the Ranger in camp maintainance.  Volunteer oppprtunities are also available at Camp Thisthlethwaite, Camp Brownell, and Camp Steen,  The Corps is formed under the Camping Committee and it's advisor is the Camp Ranger.

Typically, weekend duties begin when the Campmaster arrives on Friday and end on Sunday around noon (after the units have left the camp or when the Ranger says it is okay to leave). Campmasters can request their weekend and amount of service and some Campmasters serve as husband and wife teams for the weekend. Campasters typically serve 3-4 weekends per year, and meet once a year for training and new member orientation.  

During the weekend, Campmasters are a visible presence at the camp property, visiting the Units at campsites and program facilities to provide assistance, ensuring the safety and security of the Units and camp property by inspecting facilities and campsites at various times.

During a typical weekend, Campmasters will:

  • Check units into camp and collect rosters.
  • Interact with the Unit Leaders to provide Commissioner-type service and other assistance as requested.
  • Assist the Camp Ranger with special projects when requested.
  • Help ensure camp policies are being followed by visiting units, campsites and camp facilities.
  • Provide unit leaders with outdoor program and facility assistance to enhance the unit’s camping experience.
  • Assist Rangers and Units during emergency situations.
  • Check units out of at the end of their stay.

To be considered for the Campmaster Corps, you should be an experienced and registered volunteer leader and knowledgeable in the following areas:

  • Scouting Outdoor Programs (all levels)
  • Guide to Safe Scouting
  • Outdoor skills
  • Specialized skills in Nature, Outdoors and other Scouting programs
  • Able to discuss safety and camp policies with Unit leaders during their stay
  • Able to visit units in campsites and visit camp facilities several times during your weekend.

So, are you ready to join the team?  


Current members are:

William Ritchey, Committee Chair

Brian Thompson          Eric Ebner                       Michael Louviere      Clay Schexnayder   

Fred Zeringue               Henry Broussard        Jamie Thompson        Lee Wright

Michael Zeringue         Richard Ebner             Teresa Wright             Will Rose


For more information on the Corps contact:

William Ritchey



Position Name Telephone