
Every Scout Deserves a Trained Leader!

Leaders are trained so that young people receive a worthwhile experience full of fun and adventure -- and trained leaders have more fun! Training is offered for Scouting leaders and parents in many ways, at the Unit and District level, through the Evangeline Area Council and from the National BSA.

What Makes a Trained Leader?

Youth Protection Training (Step 1)

The Boy Scouts of America places the greatest importance on creating the most secure environment possible for our youth members.

Youth Protection Training is required for all volunteers prior to registration and must be taken every two years. 

To take Youth Protection Training go to and create an account. From the portal, click on E-Learning and take the Youth Protection training. Upon completion, you may print a certificate of completion to submit with a volunteer application or submit the completion certificate to the unit leader for processing at the Evangeline Area Council.

When your volunteer application is approved, you will receive a BSA membership card which includes your member ID number. After you receive your membership card, log back into MyScouting, click on My Profile and update your profile by inputting your member ID number and Atlanta Area Council from the dropdown list. This will link your Youth Protection training records, and any other training, in MyScouting to your BSA membership and Unit records.

Leader-Position Specific Training (Step 2)

If you're going to be a leader, you will want this training. Basic training courses give you the job-related information you need -- a Trained Leader not only gives the boys a better rogram, but you'll have a better time! Basic Training, also called Leader Position-Specific Training, covers each program area (Cub Scouting, Boy Scouting, Varsity Scouting, Venturing) and each job within each Unit: Cubmasters and Den Leaders (and Assistants) of Cub Scout Packs, Scoutmasters (and Assistants) of Boy Scout Troops, Coaches and Leaders of Varsity Teams, Crew Leaders of Venturing Crews, and Committee Members for all units.

  • For Cub Scouting, all is available in live classes listed on the Council Calendar and also through

  • For Boy Scouting and Venturing, Troop Committee Leader Position-Specific Training is online (called "Troop Committee Challenge"), but other leaders of Boy Scout Troops (Scoutmasters and Assistants) and Venturing Crews (Advisors and Assistants) must attend an in-person, live Leader Position-Specific Training for Scoutmasters, including, for Boy Scout Troops, Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills (that is also required for Venturing Crews that camp). See the Council Calendar for these training options.

  • For any role, live training is better than on line training, because your computer will probably not answer your questions.

Required Training for Camping:

Pack, Troop and Crew Leaders who have completed the trainings noted above can wear the "Trained" strip on their uniform with the applicable leader patch for which they have been trained.

But for the full Scout Camping experience...

At least one leader on a campout (and it need not be one who wears the "trained" strip) will need to have a current Hazardous Weather training through

  • Plus, for Cub Scout camping, at least one attending Cub Scout Leader must take Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation or BALOO, which is a in-person training course.

Supplemental Training:

Supplemental training includes a variety of in-person and on-line courses that may be conducted on a district, council, regional or national level -- or training to benefit those who may have ancillary roles with Scouting Units. The supplemental training courses are designed to give leaders additional information on specific areas of Scouting. Many topics touched in basic training are covered in much greater detail during the supplemental training courses. Here are some examples of supplemental training:

  • Roundtables in your District bring leaders together to get information and share ideas.

  • This Is Scouting is an overview of the Scouting Program for everyone found at

  • Weather Hazards, Safe Swim, Safe Boating, Climb on Safely and Trek Safely training, and other supplemental training for specific activities are also found at

  • University of Scouting is terrific. This is an excellent program even for those who are not Unit Leaders or Committee Members, because it will cover things that unit helpers handle, like banquets, derbies, and other events, unit help roles, plus outdoor skills to allow parents to stay a bit ahead of their Scouts!

  • Chartered Organization Representative Training -- so that your Chartering Organization knows what is expected of them and how they can support your Unit and Scouts

  • Wilderness First Aid training, which is necessary for High Adventure treks 

  • Commissioner Resources, including a College of Commissioner Science (“Commissioners” help units succeed)

  • Certification for BB and Archery events are offered, along with Climbing and COPE training 

  • Supplemental On Line Training Modules at and elsewhere on for a variety of skills and leadership tasks (including Mentoring, Chain Saw Safety, Safe Scout Outings, and Bullying Prevention)

  • Resources for events, like Cub Scout DayCamps

Advanced Training:

Wood Badge is an intensive and fun course that will form lifelong friendships with your fellow leaders, all designed to develop leadership skills and promote a deeper, more dedicated involvement in Scouting. For more information, contact Justin Guidroz at (337) 235-8551.