
It’s Simple, we serve!  Individually and collectively, with efficiency and effectiveness, teaching and inspiring, helping anyway we can, while consistently reporting our progress, but most of all, we serve!

Commissioners are district and council leaders who help Scout units succeed. They coach and consult with adult leaders of Cub Scout packs, Boy Scout troops, and Venturing crews. Commissioners help maintain the standards of the Boy Scouts of America. They also oversee the unit charter renewal plan so that each unit re-registers on time with an optimum number of youth and adult members.


There are three types of commissioners:

  1. Administrative commissioners include the council commissioner, assistant council commissioners, district commissioners, and assistant district commissioners. Their primary responsibilities are recruiting, training, guiding, and evaluating the commissioner staff.
  2. Unit commissioners are assigned to one or more units, which they serve and counsel. 
  3. Roundtable commissioners provide resources such as program skills and other help for unit personnel at regularly scheduled roundtables.


On my honor I will do my best, by example in my daily life
to make the Scout Oath and Law a more vital force
for good character and citizenship in the lives
of the youth and leaders I serve.I will do my best to help secure, and help to make effective
the finest possible leadership, for the units I serve.I will do my best, to help make the program of the units I serve,
the best that can be given, rich in wholesome fun and adventure.In all that I do, I will strive to help my units
attract into membership, every possible youth
so that through their participation,
those youth can help make America a finer, greater nation
in a world community.


College of Commissiner Science